2012年9月25日 星期二
SPG Promotion: SPG Bonus Beginnings (住一送一)
這是最新一波SPG(Starwood Preferred Guest)的超猛優惠, 可以和SPG Better by the Night並用, 不過根據國外的論壇是說, only for invited member, 要收到e-mail的才算, 所以已經有註冊SPG member的人趕快去收e-mail看看, 有好康的唷! 還沒註冊的人, 註冊看看, 也許有機會收到!
或是有註冊但沒收到的人, 可以賭看看直接到spg.com/bonusbeginnings輸入會員號碼, 如果有註冊這個promotion成功, 會收到Confirm的e-mail.
只要在規定日期內住宿, 可以得到免費的一晚全球SPG Catalog 1~5住宿或是3000點 Starpoints! 以價值來說, 絕對是選Free Night比較划算, 拿去換Category 5的飯店(ex. 台北寒舍艾美 or W Hotel, 泰國的飯店也全都可以換, 價值12000~15000 starpoints), 別選錯了, 下好離手, 選錯就不能更改了! 家裡有兩三個人都有帳號都有收到這個promotion的話, 就可以拿到兩三晚的Free Night!
要拿這個Promotion Award需要註冊, 並且透過SPG 訂房, 認可的住宿SPG Category 1~5都行, 台灣最便宜的是Category 2的中和福朋喜來登(3~4千), 再來是Category 3 的新竹喜來登(4~5千). 可以換到一晚一萬元以上的飯店~ C/P值高到爆表~ 另外, 也可以和Sheraton 75 Anniversary 的免費早餐(or 0.95 USD)優惠並用(亞太地區限定)
3,000 bonus Starpoints: Registered member can choose to earn 3,000 bonus Starpoints after one (1) eligible stay. Stay must be at an SPG participating property from 01 September 2012 through 31 October 2012. Nonparticipating properties can be found at spg.com under program terms and conditions. Bonus Starpoints will be credited to the member's account within 2–3 weeks of the stay posting to the member's Starwood Preferred Guest® account.
Free Night Award: Registered member can choose to earn one (1) Free Night Award in a standard room at any Category 1–5 hotel after one (1) eligible stay. Eligible stay must be at an SPG participating property anytime from 01 September 2012 through 31 October 2012. Non-participating properties can be found at spg.com under program terms and conditions. Free Night Award(s) must be used by 31 October 2013, and can be redeemed by calling your local SPG Customer Contact Center and mentioning Award ID D1NFN. Free Night Award is not transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash. Unused Awards are forfeited. See "All Offers" below for additional terms and conditions.
重點: 認可的住宿才可拿到獎勵 (透過SPG訂房), 日期從2012/9/1 ~ 2012/10/31
Free Night 要在2013/10/31前透過SPG服務中心兌換 (Award ID D1NFN)
All Offers: All above-listed offers are nontransferable and void for Starwood employees. Register online at spg.com/bonusbeginnings by 31 October 2012. Once a member chooses his or her offer, it cannot be changed at any time. An eligible stay is defined as one or more consecutive nights paying a qualifying rate in the same hotel regardless of the number of check-ins or checkouts that occur and posts to the member's Starwood Preferred Guest account. Eligible stays/nights will be tracked by the date the member checks in and not the date the member checks out. A qualifying rate is any rate that is eligible to earn Starpoints in the Starwood Preferred Guest program. A description of a non-qualifying rate can be found at spg.com/t&c. Multiple rooms charged to the same member during the same stay will only count as one stay. All promotions are subject to the Starwood Preferred Guest program terms and conditions, which are subject to change without notice and can be found at spg.com. Offer is applicable to single members only and not to groups. Not responsible for omissions or typographical errors. Starwood reserves the right to discontinue this offer at any time.
重點: 2012/10/31以前要註冊好, 下好離手, 不得更改3000點 or Free Night
張貼留言 (Atom)
想請問一下,版大說的與免費早餐並用,指的是一開始的訂房嗎?或是在兌換free night時呢?
以我的例子來說, 我透過spg.com 訂了10月份的新竹喜來登一個晚上, 訂房時選的方案是"75th Anniversary Rate Includes Breakfast for 2" (附送早餐, 而且更改/取消不收手續費), 所以免費早餐是在10月入時有附送!
回覆刪除同時也註冊了我上述兩個promotion, 因為我入住時的日期有符合這些promotion的促銷時間, 而且是透過spg.com預定.
所以包括免費一晚住宿和積分加倍都可以一起拿, 但是附送的Free Night 該是沒有附早餐的!
總之, Promotion都註冊好之後透過SPG.com訂房, 訂房時選"75th Anniversary Rate Includes Breakfast for 2"
回覆刪除就可以一起拿了! 要注意各種優惠的時間不同喔, 找出重疊的部分即可全拿!
Hello~ 您好, 這些消息是從SPG 的會員促銷e-mail上得知的~
回覆刪除剛好那陣子想要訂房, 有特別注意這些促銷~
國外也有些論壇會談論類似的事情, 像是Flyertalk應該是最大討稐里程or 飯店常客計畫的論壇